Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Character of the Arjuna

Question : Write a Critical Analysis the Character Of the Arjuna in "The Purpose".

                                             T.P.Kailasam is remembered as the father of modern Kannada drama, the man of genius whose plays revolutionized the Kannada stage. He gave refreshing realism and modernity and freed it once for all from the literary unrealistic that possessed it. Kailasam focused tradition on contemporary social problems, a deeply compassionate vision of the human struggle, an almost Shakespearean power to evoke sympathetic laughter and an amazing grasp of the living language of men, combined with the gift of using it artistically for dramatic purpose.

                                               ‘The Purpose’ is a mythical play that deals with past and its show us many things like culture, religion and the ancient time of India. ‘Mythical story is always a fable of people’ it’s like a tell, that spreading our culture and its value. By the time of king’s rule we can say that some people are creates a kind of view towards it. Essentially the purpose of this thesis has been to propose an assessment or interpretation of T.P. Kailasam's "private mythology", of its genesis, its justification and its value. This mythology was, of course, largely influenced by the circumstances of his time.

                                                There have many characters in the Great Epic Mahabharata. The Purpose is a part of the Mahabharata. Kailasam makes some changes in character and dialogues like the Arjuna has Silent Character in the Mahabharata and here Kailasam describe him as a Talkative, Jealous person, Arrogant person etc and also Kailasam was doing some changes in the play.

                             Today My Topic is the Character of the Arjuna in the Purpose Let's Start....

  •  Introduction 

                                     Arjuna is a character of Mahabharata, a son of king Pandu, and he is a brother of Dharmraj Yudhishthira, Bhima, Sahdeva, and Nakula, he is one of the five Pandawas. T.P. Kailasam has written this play “The Purpose” is a part of Mahabharata. Mahabharata is an Indian epic with the story of a family of Kaurawas and Pandawas, with the themes of love, war, intrigues, relationships, family, good v/s evil and struggle of an Avatar of God with his own relatives.

                           T.P.kailasam’s The Purpose has presented the childhood of Pandawas with their nature and the time of Satyug, that how intrigues were taking place in that time. Guru Drona did not teach archery to Eklavya just because Arjun wanted to be a great Archer. Arjun has all the abilities and lack of confidence, but his position has played a vital role of gaining good atmosphere for learning and a great teacher to teach.

  •  Sense Of Pupil:
                                             Arjuna is a great example of Pupil. Because he always follows the Guru's order. and always follow the guru's law anyway like when the Arjuna confuse in his knowledge and his archery. He asked him anytime  a question and always he doing work before the guru tells him. He want to became a Greatest Archer of the world. He take a promise to his guru dronacharya that he would become a great archer of the World.  When the Ekalavya also want to become a Great archer. and both have different purpose to become a archer. One who is want to protect his area of his jungle this is reason to make him to learn this Archery for save to another life. And the Arjuna want to learn this Archery for protect his Kingdom in war from is enemy.

                                        I have some confusion that when both of them has good aims for lifekind. Then why the Drona has not accepted Eklavya as a Disciple. Because he promised to Arjuna that he become a Greatest archer of the World.But After understanding the Character of Dronacharya. I realize that Teacher has always good thoughts about his Disciples. I am agree with that because when the Drona Brings Eklavya's Left hand thumb as GURUDAKSHINA. He also feel Guiltyand he always Crying heartily, he also didn't want to bring  his Thumb. But reason is dronacharya promised Arjuna to make him a great Archer. And I want to tell you that why the Arjuna take promise from Drona?, Because Arjuna was his favorite student. But this promise was beg by Arjuna ! why ? If it is a dream of Arjuna, Why he beg Promise from Drona.? we can see this Dialogue..

Arjuna:Now that I  p o s s e s s  all the elements necessary, you will make me the greatest archer in all the world, will you not, Gurujee?

Drona:(Smiling) I will, Paartha!

Arjuna:Is that a promise, Gurujee?

Drona:Why, of course it is!!

Arjuna:(Clapping his hands) That is splendid! I must run away and tell the good news to everybody!.


  • Arrogance Character Of the Arjuna :
                                                   T.P.Kailasam wrote this Character as a Pride, Arrogance, Self-respecting in the Purpose. We know the Arjuna in Mahabharata.The character of Arjuna was one of the five pandavas of the Mahabharata epic. Arjuna’s mother was Kunti and his father was Pandu. He is a prince of hastinapura, and he has four brothers Yudhishthir, Bheem , Nakul and Sahdev. In Mahabharata Arjuna was like this: He was known for his steadfastness and single mindedness in pursuing his goals. He was instrumental in winning Draupadi in a contest for himself and his brothers as their joint wife. He also married shubhadra the sister of Krishna and balram and kept his friendship with them for ever. Lord Krishna became his mentor and guide for the rest of his life.

                                         Arjuna is the Arrogant nature person. Because the Arjuna belong to the Kshatriya. He feels proud that he belong to the Arya's clane.In the Mahabharata, the terms Arya or Anaryas are often applied to people according to their behaviour. Dushasana, who tried to disrobe Draupadi in the Kaurava court, is called an "Anarya". Vidura, the son of a Dasi born from Vyasa, was the only person in the assembly whose behaviour is called "Arya", because he was the only one who openly protested when Draupadi was being disrobed by Dushasana. The Pandavas called themselves "Arya" in the Mahabharata when they killed Drona through deception. According to the Mahabharata, a person's behaviour (not wealth or learning) determines if he can be called an Arya.

                                            If we see the Purpose, Arjuna was really Arrogance person because when the Eklavya wants to learn archery from Dronachara, then Arjuna reminds drona that he have to teach if the Pupil belong to Dynast. and when the Eklavya told him that he belong to Nishaada, arjuna laugh his clane. We can see this Dialogue..

Arjuna:(Curtly to Ekalavya) Who are you? And what do you want here?

Ekalavya:I am a nishaada. I came here to beg of your Guru to help me become the greatest archer in the world.

Arjuna:(Laughs outright; Derisively) "Become the greatest archer in the World", indeed! How can you even for a moment think it possible for a NISHAADA to become what is almost impossible even for an ARYA?!

Ekalavya:(Unperturbed by Arjuna's Laughter) What does it matter if I am a nishaada? How does it help you in your archery that you are an Arya? If you will only give up this silly laugh of yours 
  • Concusion:

                                         Thus, we are taking about these two characters we have to compare and differentiate these two characters of this play. So, first of all let’s talk about comparison of these two characters. The similarity between both the characters is that both want to become the world’s best archer. Though the aim is same, the purpose for it is different. Arjuna has the personal purpose and Ekalavya’s purpose is to save the animals. So, we can say here that this all the things are about “The Purpose”  based on the that how the purpose is differs from each other. So, here we can say that the title of this play is appropriate and well chosen by the playwright of this play.

                                       we can say that here in this play Kailasam tried to give changes in character of Arjuna. he makes him arrogant jealous and reactive to his guru. In the Mahabharata we see the Arjuna as very patient and humble.  This is the typical style of T.P. Kailasam that he breaks the myths of Mahabharata in his all plays or in his all works. For his art of writing he has said that,

 “ The greatness of art is in Proportion to the greatness, of the characters of the characters that the artist creates. ” 


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