Thursday, 2 November 2017

The Neo-Classical Literature

*    Name                                         : Dodiya Mehul Maheshbhai
*    Roll Number                                   : 29
*    Sem                                                 : 1
*    Enrollment number                       : 2069108420180011
*    Submitted to                                   : Puja Ma’am
*    Paper Name                                   : The Neo-Classical Literature
*    University                                       : Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji
                                                             Bhavnagar  University

Question: What is Anti-sentimental comedy? Write a note on the reflection of society in R. B. Sheridan’s Play?

          If we want to know what is Anti sentimental comedy, first of all we have to know its begging. Its term started to the age of Neo-Classical Age. The term Neoclassicism is a combination of two words: Neo and Classic. The word neo has been derived from a Greek word neos, which means young or new, while the word classic, according to the Webster Dictionary, refers to the style and works of the ancient authors of Greece and Rome. To combine these words, we get the meaning of Neoclassicism as the rebirth and restoration of Classicism. Hence, Neoclassicism is the movement in the history of English literature, which laid immense emphasis on revival of the classical spirit during the period between 1680 and 1750 in the age of Pope and Dryden. It is a prototype of Classicism. Writers of this period immensely endeavoured to follow the footpaths of the writers of the period of Augustus, emperor of Rome, which produced unparalleled writers as Horace, Virgil and Ovid. That is the reason; the age of Pope and Dryden is also called Augustan Age.

Neoclassical Poetry is a type of poetry, which follows the pattern of poetry authored by the poets of ancient time i.e., Greek and Rome. Pope and Dryden were the leading writers, who deviated from the traditional schools of poetry and sought guidance in the works of ancient Greek and Roman writers. They tried to follow the writers of the antiquity in letter and spirit in the Augustan Age. According to Britannica Encyclopaedia:

"Classicism and Neoclassicism, in the arts, historical tradition or aesthetic attitudes based on the art of Greece and Rome in antiquity. In the context of the tradition, Classicism refers either to the art produced in antiquity or to later art inspired by that of antiquity; Neoclassicism always refers to the art produced later but inspired by antiquity. Thus the terms Classicism and Neoclassicism are often used interchangeably."

The period we are studying is known to us by the name, the Age of Queen Anne; but, unlike Elizabeth, this “meekly stupid” queen had practically no influence upon English literature, so the name Classic or Augustan Age is more often heard  because the poets and critics of this age believed in the works of the Latin writers, as Pope writes in Essay in Criticism:

Learn hence for ancient rules a just esteem
To copy nature is to copy them.”

Poetry of the Classical school is the product of the intelligence playing upon the life. It is exclusively a ‘town’ poetry made out of the interests of ‘society’ in the great centres of culture,   which makes it an age of prose and reason. It was now a fashion with the poets to follow (human) Nature, and Pope was its greatest protagonist:

“First follow Nature, and your judgement frame   
         By her just standard, which is still the same”. 

The qualities such as mystery, imagination, romanticism, came to be discounted and replaced those related to reason and logic. It was for the first time that theoretical as well as practical criticism of drama, poetry, essay, and novel appeared,   such as Pope’s Essay In Criticism, Addison’s Spectators, Johnson’s Preface To Shakespeare. “The idea of the modern novel seems to have been worked out largely”, says Long, in Augustan Age, in which, the classic Heroic couplet was perfected by Pope whose “ten thousand verses’ marvellously varied within their couplets, crown the experiments of a century,” Tillotson in The Rape of the Lock and The Dunciad. However the percept and epigram, the satire and the Mock-heroic of the Age might have been discarded by the subsequent generations of the writers, but its gift of novel continued long after the Augustan Age had gone out of fashion.

o  The Sentimental Comedy

The sentimental comedy did not last long. The sentimental soon degenerated into sentimentality. This change gradually manifested itself in the advent of sensibility to replace wit and immorality in the comedy. In this sentimental comedy of Colley Cibber and Steele there was conventional morality and sentimentality in place of grossness of the restoration comedy. These dramatists dealt with the problems, of conduct, family and marriage in a tone that will no longer shock decorum and by virtue of tears they cause to flow, they contributed to the edification of souls. These dramatists aimed at preaching some moral lessons by restoring suffering innocent virtue to happiness and converting rogues into good characters. Thus these comedies lost the true spirit of comedy. There are no gaiety and innocent mirth created by wit and fun. Instead, these plays served the false morality of the middle class.

o  The Anti Sentimental Comedy

An anti-sentimental comedy is also called “Comedy of Manners”. When Sentimental comedy did not last long, that time anti-sentimental comedy was created by “Oliver Goldsmith” and “Richard Sheridan”. It is an artificial comedy, arose during 18th century. The dramatist of this period wrote plays according to middle class family and their interest. It is kind of comedy representing complex and sophisticated code of behaviour current in fashionable circles of society, where appearance count for more than true moral character. Its plot usually revolves around intrigues of lust and greed, the self-interested cynicism of the characters being masked by decorous preteens Oliver Goldsmith’s “SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER” and Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s “THE RIVALS”& “SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL “are from the Anti-sentimental comedy. We can see that Sheridan’s play how they reflect the Society.

“The Rivals” is a Comedy of Manners by Irish-born dramatist and statesman Richard Brinsley Sheridan. The five-act play first premiered in 1775, marking Sheridan’s work as a standout piece of eighteenth-century theater. The comedy was not always so well-received, however. After its initial premier, it was roundly criticized and dismissed as subpar craft. Needing funds and intent on his writing, Sheridan learned from his mistakes with the initial premierence. He cut the work by an hour, strengthened the characters and premiered a practically new comedy, which was well a received, and which is the version now performed and read. Comedies such as“The Rivals” are a product of their time, often in fused with the prevailing thought of the day. As such, one would expect Sheridan’s play to be filled with the moralezing sentimentalism that much of eighteenth-century theater produced. Sheridan departed from this didactic form of comedy, however, creating what Oliver Goldsmith himself labeled as “laughing comedy.” This new type of comedy trumped the dismal sentimental comedy, providing audiences with a fresh take on morals and a new manner of viewing life. The characters in “The Rivals” are stock caricatures. As such, they represent various aspects of human folly. For an eighteenth-century play on morals, however, Sheridan’s play is still as fresh and funny today as when it brought audiences to laughter in Sheridan’s day. Indeed, the term “malapropism,” which is still in use to this day, was actually coined from one of the characters in the play, Mrs. Malaprop. As the term suggests, Mrs. Malaprop is known for using sophisticated words or fancysounding ones in the wrong contest.

The play itself makes good work of satirizing the pretensions of its day. The larger tropes of false identities and romantic complicacy, along with parental disapproval, are played out against ridicouslly sentimentality. In addition to Mrs. Malaprop, the characters include Lydia Languish, whose head has been inundated with nonsense from her penchant for romantic novels; Captain Jack Absolute, who is in love with Lydia; Sir Anthony Absolute, Jack’s father; Sir Lucius O’Trigger, a rambunctious Irishman; and Bob Acres, who is Jack’s neighbor and somewhat of a simpleton in love with Lydia. Captain Jack wishes to woo Lydia, and so attempted to do so by pretending to be a penniless ensign named Beverley. This ruse almost causes Bob Acres and Captain Jack to fight one another in a duel. The deception also causes a number of other comical turns. Captain Jack is also rejected by Lydia’s aunt, Mrs. Malaprop, who provides much of the comedy with her misuse of words. Things are eventually resolved in true dramatic form, but not before the caricatures of human folly weave their tale of comical farce.

Sheridan’s “The Rivals” provides many themes both in its creation as a work and its reception as a well-liked piece of literature. Sheridan’s own struggles with failing and then succeeding show just how important it is not to give up on one’s dreams. Had it not been for Sheridan’s tenacity, “The Rivals” would not exist as it does, and more likely than not, would have been lost to time like many other plays of the eighteenth-century. The work itself shows how deception and attempts to be other than what one is can often have poor consequences. Instead of duping others with one’s character or words, it is best to approach situations with the truth. It is the truth that is eventually revealed at the end of an ordeal, and it is the truth, at least according the “The Rivals,” that furthers the plot of one’s life in the direction it is meant to go.



1 comment:

  1. Hello, MEHUL DODIYA
    YOUR ASSIGNMENT On the topic What is sentimental Comedy? Reflection of society in sheridan's play.Is very simple way discribe .Overall good😃.
