Thursday, 8 November 2018

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The Old man and the sea
Santiago's life with student's life

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Attitude and Aptitude in Second Language acquisition and Learning.

Name                : Dodiya Mehul M.

Roll No             : 23

Enrollment No  : 206910840120011

Class                 : M.A. Sem 3

Paper Name      : ELT - 1

Question       :  Write note on Attitude and Aptitude in Second Language acquisition and Learning.

Words               :  1450

 Percentage       :

Year                  : 2017/19

Submitted to     : Smt. S.B.Gardi Department of English, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

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Question : Write note on Attitude and Aptitude in Second Language acquisition and Learning.

English Language teaching is based on the idea that the goal of language acquisition is communicate completence. It adopts concepts, techniques and methds in classroom for recognizing and managine the communicative needs of languages learnre. According to collinsdictionary, ‘the practice and theory of  learning and teachingEnglish for the benefit of people whose first language is not English.the good comunication skills or the excel in communication skills ne has to acquire expertise in all four skills, he has to develop omterest im listening, verbal comunication, interpretation and inscription skills before a students acwuires with all these skills.Teacher should thus become a learner by thinking about the situationby understanding it through difference point of virews before taching  students and by making them relevant in every circumstances.lets come to the point of our assignment,
What is Attitude :?
According to Business Dictionary, ‘A perdisposition or a tendency to respond postively or negatively toward a certain idea, object, person or situation.’ Attitude influences an individeal’s choice of action and responses to challenges, incentives and reward for major componentsof  attitude are
1.   Affective : Emotions or feeling
2.   Cognitive : belief or opinions held consciously
3.   Conative : inclination for action
4.   Evalustive : positive or negative response to stimuli

the second language is incorporate into the classification system already available in the first language, relies on th previously developed semantic system, and actively employs first language phonology. This all means that the main driving force is not so much inner self development as it is use of first language development. To put it figuratively, second language is looking into the windows cut out by the first language”. Inessence, Ushakova is arguing that an individual can only have a single inner speecthe one developed in the L1. There are two general areas of interest with regard to L2 gesture research: the appropriation of culture-specific gestures and the interface between speech andgesture as related to Slobin’s thinking-for speaking hypothesis. According to McNeill, speaking and gesture form a unit that must be analyzed as a whole, what he calls a „growth point”, a concept closely connected to Vygotsky’s notion of inner speech. The growth point of an utterance combines into a single meaning system – „two distinct semiotical architectures” – and, because each component of the unit possesses „unique semiotic properties”, each can surpass „the meaning possibilities of the other”.  According to Stephen Krashen,
‘The acquisition-learning distinction helps interpret findings in all areas in second language acquisition research and practice. One important area is the one of individual variation. At one extreme end of the continuum, some performers might utilize conscious knowledge of the target language whenever possible. Extreme Monitor users might, in fact, be so concerned with editing their output to make it conform to their conscious rules that fluency would be seriously hampered. At the other end of the continuum, we may find those who almost never monitor their output”.
The most important characteristics of Monitor users are: successful Monitors users edit their second language output when it does not interfere with comunication; this editing results in variable performance, that is, we see Difference types and amounts of errors under different conditions; monitoring generally improves accuracy level; monitor users show an overt concern with “correct” language, and regard their unmonitored speech and writing as “careless”According to Stephen Krashen one of the second language research and practice areas that „the acquisition-learning hypothesis helps to interpret is work in second language aptitude and attitude, providing explanation for what had appeared to be a strange finding: both language aptitude  and attitudeappear to be related to second language achievement, but is not relate to each other. It is possible to have highaptitude and low attitude, low attitude, low aptitude and high attitude, or both high or both low.” Foreign language aptitude, defined as the rate at which persons at the secondary school, university and adult level learn to criterion, has been measured by standardized tests such as the MLAT and the LAB. Attitudinal factors that relate to second language acquisition will be dos that perform one or both of two function. First, they will be factors that encourageintake. They are simply factors that encourage acquirers to communicate with speakers of the target language, and thereby obtain the necessary input, or intake, for language acquisition. Secondly, attitudinal factors relating to acquisition will be those that enable the performer to utilized the language heard for acquisition. Simply hearing a second language with understanding appears to be necessary but is not sufficiented for acquisition to take place. The acquirer must not only understand the input but must also, in a sense, be open to it. A list of attitudinal factors includes integrativily motivation, instrumental motivation as well as empathy. The presence of integrative motivation should encourage the acquirer to interact with speakers of the second language out of sheer interest, and thereby obtain intake. A low filter for integratively motivated acquirers is also predicted for similar reasons. The integratively motivated performer will not feel a threat from the other group and will thus be more prone to engage in “receptive learning” rather than “defensive learning”. According to Stephen Krashen (1981: 37), the good language learner is an acquirer, who first of all is able to obtain sufficient intake in the second language, and second, has a low affective filter to enable him to utilize this input for languageacquisition. The good language learner may or may not be a conscious learner. If he is, he is an optimal Monitor user. Immersion and motivation are the most frequent responses to the question of what factors influence successful second language acquisition. It is anun questionable reality the one that learning a language in the country of the target language, often combined with self-study, ensures a successful acquisition of it. Approaching the second language acquisition process from the good language learner perspective implies an entire list of conclusions: the study of grammar alone is not enough, the mixture of formal and informal experience with the second language enhances the success, the immersion in both formal and informal environments is advisable.

If aspects of aptitude relate directly to conscious language learning, while attitudinal factors generally relate to subconscious language acquisition, certain predictions should hold true. Below we examine these predictions and the supporting eviden. Attitude and aptitude will be statistically independent, as they relate tovery different and independent parts of the language performance and internalization model. Of course, this is a well-established result. Carols reported that aptitude is not related to whether or not a person "likes foreign languages study", and Gardner and Lambert have confirmed and replicated this result using standardaptitude tests and measures of integrative motivation many times The aptitude factor will show a strong relationship to second language proficiency in "monitored" test situations and when conscious learning has been stressed in the classroom. Several studies support this. First, the validity of aptitude tests is usually determined by correlating scores with grades in foreign language classes and/or with pencil and paper grammar test Carroll,  Such correlationsis occasionally, but not always, quite high. Similarly, Gardner concluse "language aptitude appears to be of major importance in the acquisition of second languageses skills acquired through instruction" The relationship between attitude and proficiency in second language will be strongest when  subjects or performers have had sufficient intake foracquisition when Monitor-free measures of proficiency are used. attitude will also relate to proficiency when tests that invited the Monitor are used; here both aptitude and attitude will predict proficiency. The effects of attitude will be weaker in this situation, however. Attitudinal effects are predicted to be present whenever any acquired competence at all is used performance Below we review the evidence for each attitudinal factor with respect to these prediction.

Thus, the acquisition is central and compulsory for real proficiency in a second language and learning is a useful supplement available only in certain situations. Attitude is the single most important factor in second language learning.

Works Cited

ILIESCU, Andreea. ATTITUDE AND APTITUDE. n.d. 3 Nov 2018.
Krashen, Stephen D. Second Language Acquisition. UK: Pergamon Press Inc., 1981.
solanki, Jayshree. slideshare. 25 dec 2015. 3 nov 2018.
UKEsaay. Aptitude In Second Language Acquisition English Language Essay. 4 Dec 2016. 3 nov 2018.

Give general Estiment og Fanon’s “Black skin, white Masks’

Name                : Dodiya Mehul M.

Roll No             : 23

Enrollment No  : 206910840120011

Class                 : M.A. Sem 3

Paper Name     : The Post Colonial  Literature

Question       : Give general Estiment of Fanon’s “Black skin, white Masks’

Words               :  1554

 Percentage       :

Year                  : 2017/19

Submitted to     : Smt. S.B.Gardi Department of English, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

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Question : A Critical Analysis of Black Skin White Masks     by Frantz Fanon

Frantz Fanon was a psychiatrist, philosopher, revolutionary, and writer from the French colony of Martinique, whose works are influential in the fields of post-colonial studies, critical theory, and Marxism. Fanon's contributions to the history of ideas are manifold. He is influential not only because of the originality of his thought but also because of the astuteness of his criticisms. He developed a profound social existential analysis of antiblack racism, which led him to identify conditions of skewed rationality and reason in contemporary discourses on the human being. Fanon published numerous books, including The Wretched of the Earth (1961). This influential work focuses on what he believes is the necessary role of violence by activists in conducting decolonization struggles.

Post-Colonialism, actually is an academic discipline featuring the methods of intellectual discourse that analyze, explain and respond  to the cultural legacies of colonialism and of imperialism, to the human consequences of controlling a country and establishing settlers far the economic exploitation of the  native people and their land. The post-colonialism questions and reinvents the modes of cultural perception the way of viewing and of being viewe As a critical theory, post – colonialism presents, explains, and illustrates the ideology and the praxis of neo-colonialism, with examples drawn from the humanities history and political science, philosophy and Marxist theory, sociology, anthropology, and human geography, the cinema, religion, and theology; feminism, linguistics’ and post colonial literature of which the anti- conquest narrative garners presents the stories of colonial subjugation of the subaltern man and woman Frantz Fanon was influenced by a variety of thinkers and intellectual traditions including Jean-Paul Sartre, Lacan, Negritude and Marxism. He was influenced by Aime Cesaire, a leader of the negritude movement, was teacher and mentor to fanon on the island of Martinique. Fanon referred to Cesaire’s writings I his own work. He quoted, for example, his teacher at length in
   “They lived experience of the Black man “
     a heavily anthologized essay form Black Skin,White Masks. Fanon‘s works influeced thr  Liberation movements of the Palestinians, Tamils, African Americans and others. His work Influenced Africans literatur  “His revolutionary ambitions’ cu  Short by leukemia in 1961, psychoanalyst and Philosopher Frantz Fanon red by the time of His death amassed a body of critical work that today establishes his position as a leading theoreticia Of black consciousness and identify, nationalism and Its failings, colonial rule and the inherentl “ violent” task of decolonization , language as  an Index of power, miscegenation, and the objectification of the per formative black body. Fanon‘sBurgeoning popularity and influence and morerecent postcolonial readings  of black liberation and nationalism perhaps sever as an index of hiscentrality to the movement for the Algerian self determinations    in the 1950 ‘ s that was shaped his diverse career as a political activist and critic. ““Black Skin, White Masks “is a Book about the mindset of psychology of racism. There are many chapters like,
1.      The Negro and Language  
2.      The Woman of Color and the White Man
3.      The Man of Color and the White Woman
4.      The So-called Dependency Complex of the colonized peoples
5.      The fact of Blacknes
6.      The Negro and Psychopathology
7.      The Negro and Recognition
8.      By way of conclusion

Acording to “The negro is not: Any more than the White Man”. In Fanon’s words, his writing “exposes an utterly naked declivity where an authentic upheaval can be born Fanon’s agonizinged self- images performance spell-bound “I had to meet the white man’s eyes. An unfamiliar weight budened me. In the white world the man of colour encounters difficulties in the development of his bodily schaema….I was battered down by tom-toms, cannibealism, intellectual deficiency deficaiency, racial defects…I take myself for off from my own presence…what else could it be for me but an amputation, an excision a hemorrhage that spattered my whole body with  black bleed?”thus “Black Skin, White Masks “That it rarely historicizes the colonial experience. There is no master narrative or realist perspective that provide a background ofo social and historical facts against which emerging the problems of the individual or collective psyche. Such a traditional sociological alignment of self and society or history and psyche is rendered questionable in fanon’s identification of the colonial subject who is historicizing as it come to be heterogenerously inscribed in the texts of history literature science, myth, the colonial subject is ‘always’ over determined from without.”
Fanon explores the relation between race, language, and culture. For Fanon, languages provides entry into a culture, so when someone speaks French, they are taking on the French culture. But when Black people speaking French, they are always reminded they can never be fully French. Somehow we can connected with norman ruler in early age that time also franch became a language of rich and countrier’s language and english is a poor language but now the defination of that is totally changed the Language of English or white man became a superior and the other is inferior. Fanon observed that Black women may take a white lover in order to get access to a white culture that has more advantages and privileges. Similarly, Black men may consider white women gatekeepers to culture, and marrying a white woman provides a feeling of having married all the beauty, education, and wealth that whiteness stands for in racist societies. But because Black people can never leave behind the fact of their Blackness, fleeing from their race is also fleeing from themselves.  Black people internalize their oppression as a personal failure, this is when an inferiority complex arises. It is also constantly reinforced in everyday life in racist societies, because Black people are constantly reminded they are Black first and people second.  Fanon explores how people might move beyond this situation in which Black people are depicted as inferior and often develop a feeling of inferiority as well. He dismisses theories by other psychiatrists that would solve the neurosis of an individual Black man by asking him to adjust his expectations and face reality. Instead, he wants social solutions that transform the racist society that produced conditions of inequality to begin with. Black people need to be encouraged to transform society by demanding humanity from white people, asserting freedom, and building a future freed from the subjugation of the past. Fanon throughout the book deals with the inner struggle of black when they were colony ‘the black man and language’ deals with language. Here we saw the ideal of blackness, notion of desire, idea of identity, what is humanism?, 0-Other, self ego, civil rights, human rights, self desire, the idea of Negritude, idea of darkness. For him- Black is attitude, attitude comes from culture. The idea of Blackness,The idea of identity, Notion of desire, The idea of Negritude, The idea of Darknes, Other,  Hate, feeling Self,  Self (play) (desire) ego ideal, Black-Mulatto-White, There are two such women: the Negros and the mulatto. The first has only one possibility and one concern: to turn white. The second wants not only to turn white but also to avoid slipping back. What indeed could be more illogical then a mulatto woman’s acceptance of a Negro husbands? For the understood once and for all that it is a question of saving the race. Fanon noticed that “when people came back from France after receiving their university education they would speak in painfully perfect French and act as if they no longer knew Creole. Why was that?” by the way, Fanon says he has only one rights and one duty. 1) The rights to demand human behavior from the other, 2) The duty to never let his decisions renounces his freedom, Black Skin, White Masks is a unique work of art. It deals with much aspect like a man’s search of identity race prejudice that prevails all over the world and in our century too. The whites addressed the third world people as others they wanted to civilize to others them humiliated others. They treated us as if we were ignorant ant and animal’s non white means not human but savage-this is what they believed. Black always tried to be white they did not respect their culture but ram madly after white culture they were made o believe themselves to be inferior to the colonizers. The colonizers believed to be far.

Thus, Frantz work present hybridists, syncretistic, creolizaion, national and religious peculiarity, abrogation, appropriation, rewriting of history and much more many Indian novelist work like Tagore’s “Gora” can be compared with this book as far as social moral and political issues are considered. Own Dalit literature also can be kept in mind while referring “The Black Skin White Masks.”

Works Cited

GradesSaver. Black skin white mask. n.d. 3 nov 2018.
Vajani, Bhumi. A Critical Analysis of Black Skin White Masks. 24 feb 2014. assignment. 3 nov 2018.
Wikipedia. Black Skin, White Masks. 9 Sept 2018. 3 Nov 2018.


Wish to Death’ in Poe’s short stories

Name                : Dodiya Mehul M.

Roll No             : 23

Enrollment No  : 206910840120011

Class                 : M.A. Sem 3

Paper Name      : The American Literature

Question       : Comment on ‘Wish to Death’ in Poe’s short stories

Words               :  157

 Percentage       :

Year                  : 2017/19

Submitted to     : Smt. S.B.Gardi Department of English, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

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Question : Comment on ‘Wish to Death’ in Poe’s short stories

  I.            Abstract

Image result for edgar allan poe

                                  Edgar Allan Poe was a American Short-stories writer, Editor, Critic and poet. He has known for his cultivation of mystery and the macabre. His most of short stories is based on the theme of ‘Wish to Death’. Like his ‘The Purloined Letter’, ‘The Gold Bug’, ‘The Tell – Tale heart’, ‘The Cask of Amontillado’, ‘The Black Cat’, His collation of the stories name ‘The murders on the Rue Morgue’ ‘The Fall of the house of Usher’.

                The most of the writers, authors, poets are write on the theme of Romance, Love, War, Revenge, betrayal, Mystery, patriotism, grace, isolation, motherhood, forgiveness, wartime loss, treachery, rich versus poor, appearance versus reality, reality. But Edgar chooses the theme of Death. We find that the early age how people has afraid of Death, like ‘Frankenstein’ Written by Mary Shelly. In the Frankenstein, people have died in deceases and Frankenstein explored the power of electricity and created a creature. but here Edgar has given the priority of death. John Donne wrote the poem ‘Death do not be proud’, Donne wrote this poem against of Death, but somehow we can say that Donne had afraid of Death, thus he had to wrote it. But Edgar was totally different from other writers, because he did not afraid of the Death, but he murdered his characters in his short stories. Let’s summarize his short-stories.

II.            Key words : ‘Wish to Death’ in Poe’s short-stories, Poe’s theme of Death , Poe’s life and Work

III.            Introduction

         Edgar Allan Poe was an writer, editor, and Critic. He known for poetry, Short-stories, particularly his tales of Mystery and Macabre. He was the central figure of Romanticism in US and American Literature. He was one of the country earliest writer of the short stories. It it considered that Poe has inventor of Detective Fiction and contributed to the emerging genre of Science Fiction. He also want to became a writer, who earn a ling through writing alone.

            In 1809, He was born in Boston. He was son of actor David Poe Jr and Elizabeth Poe. He had an elder brother William Leonard Poe and a younger sister Rosalie Poe. It believed that his name came after his parents has performed William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. His father abandoned their family in 1810 and his mother did a year later from Pulmonary Tuberculosis. He was taken by John Allan, a Scottish merchant in Virginia. (Where Negro’s has sold) Allan dealt in a variety of Goods, like Tobacco, Cloth, wheat, tombstone and Slave. Allan gave him the name “Edgar Allan Poe” but He never formally adopted him. Poe attended the grammar school in Irvine, Boarding school in Chelsea, Manor House School in Stoke Newington. In 1825, he got $750,000 from William Galt, who died, and lived in  Richmond. Allan celebrated his expansive wealth by purchasing a two-story brick home named Moldavia.

               Poe registered his name to study ancient and modern languages in University of Virginia. The University of Virginia was funded by Thomas Jefferson. It was strict rules against Gambling, horses, guns, tobacco and alcohol but these rules were generally ignored. Poe claimed that Allan had not given him sufficient money to register for these class, and purchase text, and procure and furnish a dormitory. But Allan did send additional money and clothes but Poe’s debt increased. At list he traveled to Boston in April 1827, sustaining himself with odd jobs as a clerk and newspaper writer.

                After his brother’s death, Poe began to attempts to start his career as a writer, that time it is difficult to published. He was the first well known American to try to live by writing alone. And hampered by th lack an international copyrights law. After his early attempts at poetry , had turn to prose/ he placed few stories with a Philadelphia publication and began work on his only drama Politian. The Baltimore Saturday Visiter awarded Poe a prize in October 1833 for his short Story “MS. Founded in a Bottle”.  The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pyn og Nantcket was published in 1839.Poe became assistant editor of Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine and published numerous articles, stories and reviews  en hancing his reputation as trenchant critic which he had established at The Southern Literary Messenger.  Poe left Burton’s after about a year and found a position as assistant at Graham’s Magazine. He died in 1849 in Baltimore.
His famous Works are,
1.   The Raven
2.   The Fall of the House of Usher
3.   The Tell-tale Heart
4.   Murders in the  Rue Morgue
5.   The Purloined Letter
6.   The Gold Bug
7.   The Black Cat
8.   Annabel Lee
9.   The Cask of Amontillado

·       Analysis

           Edgar Allan Poe was the master of mystery and the macabre writing. But some how he more focuses on Death then other theme from Short stories. We can Find many examples in his work which is end with the Death and the murder himself accepting his crime. Very young age, he had lost his parents as well as his wife to tuberculosis so in one way or another stories reflected his personal experience. We find in his ‘Annabel Lee’, ‘The Cask of Amontillado’, ‘The Raven’ and ‘The Black cat’ in many others poems and short stories.
        ‘The Annabel lee’ main theme is Death, where the speaker sit behind that tomb of his beloved Annabel, who is maiden. He said,

“In the sepulcher there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.”

The Speaker has talk about the tomb of his beloved in seashore. The theme of Death, he mansion how the Angels and Demons could never truly saparates them.

“But our love was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we
Of many far wiser than we
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.”

‘The Annabel Lee’, Poe has talk about the death of his wife, a loneliness, aloneness. It is the last composed poem of Poe. But majorly it is mourn mood, sad mood described. The speaker said our love was very stronger the death has not separates us as well as the Demons and also Angels, The heaven’s angel is not above, and the demons down under the sea. He said My soul can only taken by my beloved, Annabel Lee. The second example of the theme of death is ‘The Cask of Amontillado’. It is the story about two best friends, Montresor and Fortunato. Montresor is the story narrator. Who is Angry over numerous injuries and some unspecified insult, he said,

The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.”

“It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.”

We can see in above quotes, the revengeful for his own friend. And he drew him in carnival. Poe’s The cask of Amontillado is one of the mysterious story. But the last scene we find that the narrator himself feel guilt and accept his crime. It is equally undressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has wrong. Poe’s the Black Cat, the narrator killed cat and also his wife, because of He dislike it. We find many example which based on the theme of Death. Death was experience whwn the narrator’s intoxicatedd action went far. “I withdrew my arm from her graps and buried the axe in her brain.” This quotation saw us that how the narrators mind is horifying and after the killing his wife he said, “these hideous murder accomplished, I set myself forthwith, and with entire I set myself forthwith and with entire deliberation, to the task of concealing the body.” In this quotes through we find that narrator is not worry about that he just killed his wife, but he worried that where he will be hiden her died body.

·      Conclusion

Edgar Allan Poe has written over 60 short story during his life time, Poe mostly focus on the theme are mystrial, Death, Horrible.Poe had a soul striking opposition toward death. in his stories, he can have profound analysis of soul. To make the the imapact more intense, Allan Poe had added death in the story. Death will be their ending even through they’re more sensible than ordinary people had easier to loose self control. Edgar Poe is not only a narrator of death but also a recorder and seeker of human’s external and internal fear whenexternal and inner dilema are combinail, human’s contenstion and death begin to show deeper metaphor. The end of the assignment, I would like to quote from his poem, ‘Doomed city’

Hell rising from a thousand thrones
Shall do it reverence,
And Death to some more happy clime
Shall give his undivided time.

Works Cited

Answers. What are the themes that dominate Edgar Allan Poe's works? n.d. 3 Nov 2018. <'s_works>.
Wikipedia. Edgar Allan Poe. 25 Oct 2018. <>.
Xiaobin, Lin. "Analysis of Allen Poe'ss Death Theme." 2rd International Conference on Education, Management and Social Science (2014): 176-177.