Name : Dodiya Mehul M.
No : 23
No : 206910840120011
Class : M.A. Sem 3
Name : ELT - 1
Question :
Write note on Attitude and Aptitude in Second Language acquisition and Learning.
Words : 1450
Percentage :
Year : 2017/19
to : Smt. S.B.Gardi Department of English, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University
Please Evaluate my Assignment
Question : Write note on Attitude and
Aptitude in Second Language acquisition and Learning.
English Language
teaching is based on the idea that the goal of language acquisition is
communicate completence. It adopts concepts, techniques and methds in classroom
for recognizing and managine the communicative needs of languages learnre.
According to collinsdictionary, ‘the practice and theory of learning and teachingEnglish for the benefit
of people whose first language is not English.the good comunication skills or
the excel in communication skills ne has to acquire expertise in all four
skills, he has to develop omterest im listening, verbal comunication,
interpretation and inscription skills before a students acwuires with all these
skills.Teacher should thus become a learner by thinking about the situationby
understanding it through difference point of virews before taching students and by making them relevant in every
circumstances.lets come to the point of our assignment,
What is Attitude :?
According to Business
Dictionary, ‘A perdisposition or a tendency to respond postively or negatively
toward a certain idea, object, person or situation.’ Attitude influences an
individeal’s choice of action and responses to challenges, incentives and
reward for major componentsof attitude
Affective : Emotions or feeling
Cognitive : belief or opinions held
Conative : inclination for action
Evalustive : positive or negative
response to stimuli
the second language is incorporate into the classification
system already available in the first language, relies on th previously
developed semantic system, and actively employs first language phonology. This
all means that the main driving force is not so much inner self development as
it is use of first language development. To put it figuratively, second
language is looking into the windows cut out by the first language”. Inessence,
Ushakova is arguing that an individual can only have a single inner speecthe
one developed in the L1. There are two general areas of interest with regard to
L2 gesture research: the appropriation of culture-specific gestures and the
interface between speech andgesture as related to Slobin’s thinking-for
speaking hypothesis. According to McNeill, speaking and
gesture form a unit that must be analyzed as a whole, what he calls a „growth
point”, a concept closely connected to Vygotsky’s notion of inner speech. The
growth point of an utterance combines into a single meaning system – „two
distinct semiotical architectures” – and, because each component of the unit
possesses „unique semiotic properties”, each can surpass „the meaning possibilities
of the other”. According to Stephen
acquisition-learning distinction helps interpret findings in all areas in
second language acquisition research and practice. One important area is the
one of individual variation. At one extreme end of the continuum, some
performers might utilize conscious knowledge of the target language whenever
possible. Extreme Monitor users might, in fact, be so concerned with editing
their output to make it conform to their conscious rules that fluency would be
seriously hampered. At the other end of the continuum, we may find those who
almost never monitor their output”.
The most
important characteristics of Monitor users are: successful Monitors users edit
their second language output when it does not interfere with comunication; this
editing results in variable performance, that is, we see Difference types and
amounts of errors under different conditions; monitoring generally improves
accuracy level; monitor users show an overt concern with “correct” language,
and regard their unmonitored speech and writing as “careless”According to
Stephen Krashen one of the second language research and practice areas that
„the acquisition-learning hypothesis helps to interpret is work in second
language aptitude and attitude, providing explanation for what had appeared to
be a strange finding: both language aptitude
and attitudeappear to be related to second language achievement, but is
not relate to each other. It is possible to have highaptitude and low attitude,
low attitude, low aptitude and high attitude, or both high or both low.”
Foreign language aptitude, defined as the rate at which persons at the
secondary school, university and adult level learn to criterion, has been measured
by standardized tests such as the MLAT and the LAB. Attitudinal factors that
relate to second language acquisition will be dos that perform one or both of
two function. First, they will be factors that encourageintake. They are simply
factors that encourage acquirers to communicate with speakers of the target
language, and thereby obtain the necessary input, or intake, for language
acquisition. Secondly, attitudinal factors relating to acquisition will be
those that enable the performer to utilized the language heard for acquisition.
Simply hearing a second language with understanding appears to be necessary but
is not sufficiented for acquisition to take place. The acquirer must not only
understand the input but must also, in a sense, be open to it. A list of
attitudinal factors includes integrativily motivation, instrumental motivation
as well as empathy. The presence of integrative motivation should encourage the
acquirer to interact with speakers of the second language out of sheer
interest, and thereby obtain intake. A low filter for integratively motivated
acquirers is also predicted for similar reasons. The integratively motivated
performer will not feel a threat from the other group and will thus be more
prone to engage in “receptive learning” rather than “defensive learning”.
According to Stephen Krashen (1981: 37), the good language learner is an
acquirer, who first of all is able to obtain sufficient intake in the second
language, and second, has a low affective filter to enable him to utilize this
input for languageacquisition. The good language learner may or may not be a
conscious learner. If he is, he is an optimal Monitor user. Immersion and
motivation are the most frequent responses to the question of what factors
influence successful second language acquisition. It is anun questionable
reality the one that learning a language in the country of the target language,
often combined with self-study, ensures a successful acquisition of it. Approaching
the second language acquisition process from the good language learner
perspective implies an entire list of conclusions: the study of grammar alone
is not enough, the mixture of formal and informal experience with the second language
enhances the success, the immersion in both formal and informal environments is
If aspects of
aptitude relate directly to conscious language learning, while attitudinal factors
generally relate to subconscious language acquisition, certain predictions
should hold true. Below we examine these predictions and the supporting eviden.
Attitude and aptitude will be statistically independent, as they relate
tovery different and independent parts of the language performance and
internalization model. Of course, this is a well-established result. Carols
reported that aptitude is not related to whether or not a person "likes
foreign languages study", and Gardner and Lambert have confirmed and
replicated this result using standardaptitude tests and measures of integrative
motivation many times The aptitude factor will show a strong
relationship to second language proficiency in "monitored" test
situations and when conscious learning has been stressed in the classroom.
Several studies support this. First, the validity of aptitude tests is usually
determined by correlating scores with grades in foreign language classes and/or
with pencil and paper grammar test Carroll,
Such correlationsis occasionally, but not always, quite high. Similarly,
Gardner concluse "language aptitude appears to be of major importance in
the acquisition of second languageses skills acquired through instruction"
The relationship between attitude and proficiency in second language will be
strongest when subjects or performers
have had sufficient intake foracquisition when Monitor-free measures of proficiency
are used. attitude will also relate to proficiency when tests that invited the
Monitor are used; here both aptitude and attitude will predict proficiency. The
effects of attitude will be weaker in this situation, however. Attitudinal
effects are predicted to be present whenever any acquired competence at all is
used performance Below we review the evidence for each attitudinal factor with
respect to these prediction.
Thus, the
acquisition is central and compulsory for real proficiency in a second language
and learning is a useful supplement available only in certain situations.
Attitude is the single most important factor in second language learning.
Works Cited
3 Nov 2018.
Krashen, Stephen D. Second Language Acquisition.
UK: Pergamon Press Inc., 1981.
solanki, Jayshree. slideshare. 25 dec 2015. 3
nov 2018.
UKEsaay. Aptitude In Second Language Acquisition
English Language Essay. 4 Dec 2016. 3 nov 2018.
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